Spider Crabs Croquettes
800 g crumbled spider crab.
1 chopped onion.
125 g butter.
125 g extra virgin olive oil.
250 g flour.
60 g txakoli.
1.5 l milk.
125 g cream.
50 g home-made fried tomato.
Chopped parsley.
Fry the onion gently in olive oil and butter. Add the flour and simmer for 5 minutes. After that, gently fry the txakoli. Add the milk and stir the bechamel for 10 minutes without stopping. Add the crumbled spider crab (white meat and coral).
Add the home-made fried tomato and the chopped parsley. Add the salt. After that, spread the croquettes dough on a tray and cover with transparent film. Once the dough is cold, make the croquettes, and roll them in flour, egg and bread crumbs. Finally, fry them.