Spider Crabs Croquettes


800 g crumbled spider crab.

1 chopped onion.

125 g butter.

125 g extra virgin olive oil.

250 g flour.

60 g txakoli.

1.5 l milk.

125 g cream.

50 g home-made fried tomato.

Chopped parsley.



Fry the onion gently in olive oil and butter. Add the flour and simmer for 5 minutes. After that, gently fry the txakoli. Add the milk and stir the bechamel for 10 minutes without stopping. Add the crumbled spider crab (white meat and coral).

Add the home-made fried tomato and the chopped parsley. Add the salt. After that, spread the croquettes dough on a tray and cover with transparent film. Once the dough is cold, make the croquettes, and roll them in flour, egg and bread crumbs. Finally, fry them.

Contact us

Txangu2 Gourmet

Avda Letxunborro, 83

Pabellones 1, 2, 3

20305 Irún, Guipuzkoa

943 633 613


Txangu2 Gourmet Labeltze 23 20305 Irún, Guipuzkoa Teléfono: 943 663 313 txangu2@txangu2.com